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Draft of USA Patriot Act II leaked. Colin Powell's magnificently fraudulent speech to the UN. Recall efforts begin against California governor Gray Davis. Massive peace protests. Garner's "rock drill" rehearsal foresees tremendous problems with reconstruction of postwar Iraq. Army Chief of Staff Shinseki tells Congress that several hundred thousand troops will be needed in Iraq, contradicting Rumsfeld' Shinseki is mocked and hounded out of office for his claim.

"After 9/11, no one has any rights." -- a Chicago FBI agent, February 2003

Draft of USA Patriot Act II leaked

Colin Powell's magnificently fraudulent speech to the UN
Recall efforts begin against California governor Gray Davis

Massive peace protests

Garner's "rock drill" rehearsal foresees tremendous problems with reconstruction of postwar Iraq

Army Chief of Staff Shinseki tells Congress that several hundred thousand troops will be needed in Iraq, contradicting Rumsfeld' Shinseki is mocked and hounded out of office for his claim

"The idea that it would take several hundred thousand US forces is far off the mark." -- Donald Rumsfeld, February 27, on the invasion of Iraq

"Some of the higher-end predictions that we have been hearing recently, such as the notion that it will take several hundred thousand US troops to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq, are wildly off the mark." -- Paul Wolfowitz, February 27, on the invasion of Iraq

"I think the administration took September 11 and used it as a blank check. You try not to be cynical, but without the distraction of Iraq [people would notice] that the economy is doing poorly, and the old fashioned Republican tax cuts for the folks that are doin' well will seriously curtail services for people who are struggling out there. I don't think that's the kind of country Americans really want." -- Bruce Springsteen, February 2003, quoted in Buzzflash

"What is the motivation? Regime change? Shouldn't that be up to the people of the region and the people of Iraq? ...Surely it is more likely that an attack on Iraq would only strengthen al-Qaeda by feeding anti-American sentiment. Putting out the fire with gasoline, so to speak. It is certainly not to liberate the people of Iraq who suffer under Hussein's rule, unless we call killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis liberation.... Bottom line: this war is wrong and this war is un-American." -- Dave Matthews, February 2003, quoted in Buzzflash