Whitewater / Lewinsky and related "scandals"
Tripp is one of a number of low-level White House employees hired by Bush and retained by the Clinton administration; Tripp, a devoted conservative, has little but contempt for her new bosses, and calls White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum, her immediate supervisor, and two of his associates "the Three Stooges." Co-workers characterize her as an inverterate gossip and self-aggrandizer who, in the words of Marvin Kalb, "saw conspiracies behind every door and a sex scandal in every closet." Goldberg is looking for authors and material for anti-Clinton publications, with an eye to writing her own sexy "tell-all" book slamming the Clintons. She is, according to Kalb, "a literary agent, writer of salacious novels, and conservative political junkie who had once worked as a researcher at Kennedy's White House and ended up as a Nixon spy on George McGovern's campaign plane. She was a natural wheeler-dealer with a flair for public relations and she conspired with the press, the prosecutors, and the Jones lawyers -- all in a non-stop effort to destroy Bill Clinton." (Executive Intelligence Review, Marvin Kalb)Whitewater / Lewinsky and related "scandals"
is introduced to Arkansas con man and Clinton-basher Larry Nichols by a former NBC cameraman, John Hillyer, hired by Matrisciana to scout Arkansas for anti-Clinton material. Nichols fascinates Matrisciana with his wild and unsubstantiated tales of Clinton's myriad wrongdoings. "Larry just loves to talk," says one Little Rock journalist. "He's literally a bullsh*t artist.... If Bill Clinton has this amazing charm, Larry has a similar ability to sit down with somebody -- maybe not a smart, skeptical person -- but, say, a small-town banker or a right-wing radio talk show host, and persuade them to believe almost any damn thing he comes up with. He's witty. He can make you laugh." Matrisciana is more than willing to buy what Nichols is selling.