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  • people holding hands in front of a sunset
  • Afghan demonstrators
  • AIG logo
  • Archpano rock formation
  • bargraph
  • pile of euros
  • nuclear explosion
  • flag draped coffins
  • frozen fjord
  • girls waving US flag
  • golden domes of a church
  • Iranian protesters
  • Black Hawk helicopter
  • fresco of Iraqi lion
  • memorial for fallen soldier
  • Wyoming mountain
  • paper money plane
  • Lightning in Montana
  • President Obama
  • osprey in flight
  • Irish passport
  • US Peacekeeper missiles
  • US Navy radomes
  • rainbow flag
  • Red Square in Moscow
  • US Supreme Court
  • smog in Los Angeles
  • World Trade Center
  • US Capitol
  • crosses in US military cemetery
  • windmills


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